Gather us in your Image: A Litany for Trinity Sunday
Written for Trinity Sunday 2021. For the day our church doors re-opened again in a transition to hybrid services.
Holy, Triune God
You are the author of family,
The source of community
A generous host who welcomes us
To dwell in your loving presence
Gather us as one body today
a people made in your Triune image.
You teach us the gift of relational personhood-
To love and be loved
To know and be known
To be united in our glorious particularity.
Gather us as your communal people
Lifting up many diverse voices in one united chorus.
You teach us what it means to share power-
A life free from hierarchy and domination,
Hands held open, and hearts flung wide
by the joy of mutual submission.
Gather us as a generous people
Dancing in the light of your self-giving love.
You teach us how to confound binaries-
Invite us into beautiful tension.
To know you is not to master you,
But simply to experience your mystery.
Gather us as a worshipping people
Who aren’t afraid to wrestle or wonder.
As you gather us in this sanctuary again,
Connecting people from many places and spaces,
Remind us that your church is not a building but a people
Reflecting your triune image in this world
Gather us as a family in your likeness-
Teaching us to pray,
Reminding us to love,
Showing us your presence,
And inviting us to be one, as you are One.